Debate Committee

​What does the DebateCo do?

DebateCo is PPE College's student debating Society. Open to all PPEople regardless of their skill level or experience, DebateCo aims to provide a platform to PPE students to polish their rhetoric skills and learn how to argue convincingly. 

DebateCo hosts regular informal debate nights – complete with pizza and beer– where members come together and engage in the war of words over topics ranging from the economic and political, to philosophical and cultural. DebateCo also aims to host semi-regular workshops where professional trainers and debate veterans help members refine their skills on general topics like 'how to make a good argument' to specific ones like 'how to structure successful prop whip speeches'. DebateCo usually debates in the British Parliament and WUDC styles.


Upcoming DebateCo Events

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Sharofiddin Abdukodirov Abdukodirov -
Lya-Rivka Hertz Treasurer
Artur Karkusati -
Nina Ladehaug Hopland -
Leander Jakob Zillich Chair

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